Thursday, March 11, 2010

Look At Me Being All Proud

Kittie, author of the wonderful The Block has just graced me with an award. Well color me proud! Considering I have all of three readers (ok, maybe five) I'm all twitterpated. (No reference to Twitter intended.)

The instructions are to pass on the award to some of my favorite bloggers so I picked my top two.
To Finny at Finnyknits. A does of gardening. A dash of cooking. Three large cups of snarky humor. Finny is ever-hilarious, frequently instructive, and a laugh-out-loud hoot to read. She is also, I'm proud to say, a dear friend. And I hereby publicly proclaim my love for her.

To Duke at It's a Noir World. A newly-discovered blogging treasure. He writes on movies, politics, social issues. It's thought-provoking, intelligently written, and a gem for people who like to think and learn.

Thank you both for enriching my life. And thank you, Kittie, for the generous award.


FinnyKnits said...

You should get an award just for using the word, "twitterpated".

That's divine.

And thank you for my shiny new award! I shall foist it up on my shoulder and carry it out to show the garden.

Because I'm a psycho that way.

Duke said...

Wow, my very own award!

You are most kind to think of me and say those nice things about my blog.

I'll give my acceptance speech in accordance with the Oscar rules and keep it under 3 minutes.

Thanks Decca!